“to keep a just account of the receipts and expenditures....”
While it is not necessary for you as Treasurer to be an expert accountant, at least a rudimentary knowledge of bookkeeping is of great value. In most lodges there is usually a qualified accountant who will be pleased to assist you in the proper maintenance of books and records. It is advisable to keep your books as simple as possible yet recording all necessary information. Your duties are:
a. To see that all moneys received by the lodge are deposited in a lodge bank account.
b. To make due entries and account of all moneys deposited in and withdrawn from the lodge bank account, and any other financial transactions.
c. To see that all accounts owed by the lodge are approved at a Regular Communication, and are paid by cheque signed by two authorized officers.
d. To see that all bonds, insurance policies, and valuable papers are placed in a bank for safe keeping, or in a safety deposit box, to which
only authorized officers shall have access.
e. To see that all cheque stubs, cancelled cheques, bank statements, and records are kept for examination by the financial reviewers.
f. To see that all your books and records are available for examination by the District Deputy Grand Master.
g. To encourage the lodge to prepare and adopt a budget.
You may be required to advise the lodge on all financial questions, e.g., investments, expenses in relation to income, etc. At the end of the lodge’s fiscal year, it may be necessary to assist the Secretary in preparing a comprehensive statement of its financial affairs. A financial review of your books by the appointed Financial Review Committee should be made as soon as possible, and a statement received from them that they have examined your records and found them to be correct as set out in your financial statement. Your statement should be read out at the next Regular Communication (or in accordance with the lodge by-laws) to be accepted and passed by the lodge.
When there is a change of Treasurer, it shall be the duty of the outgoing Treasurer to turn over to his successor all books, records, and lodge property that have been in his possession, and to take a receipt for the same with a copy going to the Secretary.
A careful study of the Constitutions of Grand Lodge, and the by-laws of your lodge is most advisable, particularly those parts dealing with financial matters.