“... to assist the Deacons and other Officers....”
Your duties, as with other officers of the lodge, shall be in accordance with ancient masonic usages and customs, the Book of Constitutions, and the Book of Forms and Ceremonies.
Under the direction of the Senior Warden, you shall, with the Deacons, and Tyler, see to the safe and careful keeping of the jewels, furniture, and other property of the lodge. Under the direction of the Junior Warden, you shall have the arranging and preparation of refreshments, and are required to serve at the banquet table.
It will be your duty, under the supervision of the Director of Ceremonies, to see that visitors are properly accommodated, and generally to attend to any
ceremonies in which the lodge may take part. This will include, in most lodges, preparing the candidates for the degree being conferred.
Should there be more than two candidates for any degree, one or both of you will assist the Deacons during the ceremony in the lodge room.
Your regular and punctual attendance at all lodge communications, and rehearsals, is particularly important