“the integrity of the measures you are bound to pursue in conjunction with the Worshipful Master and Senior Warden. in the ruling and governing of the lodge”
Next to the Worshipful Master and the Senior Warden your office is the most important in the lodge, for in the absence of those officers, you are to govern the
lodge. Being one of the three senior officers, your regular attendance at all communications is essential. As with the other senior officers; a study of the Book of Constitutions, and the Book of Forms and Ceremonies, together with the by-laws of your lodge is recommended, particularly those sections dealing with your duties as Junior Warden.
The superintendence of the Craft during the hours of refreshment is one of the important duties assigned to your office. You would do well to study carefully the other sections of this booklet, which contain much valuable information which you will find very helpful in the performance of your duties in your present and future offices. As you are now a member of Grand Lodge, entitled to all its rights and privileges, you should endeavor to attend the Annual Communication held in June each year.