“ initiate Masonic discussion and debate amongst the Brethren....”
You are important to the masonic education of the members of your lodge. It is through you that the educational program is directed, with instruction from your Worshipful Master. You should plan a well rounded educational program for the year, offering topics of interest to the brother who is the youngest in Freemasonry as well as to the brother who has attended lodge for many years. You should assist the coaches in responding to questions asked by the candidates..
Invite well skilled and knowledgeable brethren of your lodge, district or jurisdiction to present topics which are informative as well as those which involve the brethren in healthy discussions. It is important that your presentations are in harmony with a full program of the evening. Short five minute talks are as interesting as well researched papers. Be observant of your audience and gauge the length of your presentations accordingly.
Being one of the officers of the lodge, your attendance at all Communications is essential.