1. “…to you is committed the superintendence of the Craft during the hours of refreshment…”
2. Responsible, with the assistance of the Stewards, for the provision of a banquet during the refreshment period. Supervise the Stewards during the hours thereof. Ensure that provision for emergency food is available.
3. Toastmaster at the banquet table.
4. Arrange and act as Master of Ceremonies at special functions, most notably the Junior Warden's Ball and the annual installation banquet.
5. Send "Get Well Wishes" and "notes of Sympathy" to sick or distressed Brethren and/or their widows.
6. Ensure that the Widows of Discovery Lodge Members are suitably recognized at Christmas Time.
7. Responsible for Master Mason Lecture.
8. Responsible for Entered Apprentice Obligation.
9. Member of Lodge Finance Committee.
Secondary Duties:
A. Attend the Grand Master on his official visit to District #22.
B. Travel in the District Deputy Grand Master's Suite on his official visits within the District.
C. Back-up for Fellow Craft Lecture.
D. Attend at examination of visitors along with Senior Warden, Director of Ceremonies, or a Past Master.
E. Phone or contact non-attending Members and solicit their attendance.
F. Chairman/Secretary of the Board of General Purposes. To call meetings of the Board at the request of the Worshipful Master.
G. Responsible for a working knowledge of the By-Laws of Discovery Lodge, The Book of Constitutions, the Book of Forms and Ceremonies and the Lodge Officers Guide.
H. Member of Grand Lodge and shall endeavour to attend the Grand Lodge Annual Communication held in June each year, or ensure that the Worshipful Master has appointed a proxy.
I. Member of Mid Island Master and Wardens Association.