Address delivered on, May 3, 1952, by W. Bro John E. Carstens at the banquet following the Institution Ceremonies of “Discovery” Lodge A.F. & A.M. (U.D.), Campbell River, in response to the tradionary toast, proposed by Rt. W. Bro. Robert Strachan, D.D.G.M., to the new Lodge and its members.
After thanking the proposer of the toast and giving due recognition and thanks to the Deputy Grand Master, J. Murray Mitchell, and many distinguished guests present, W. Bro Carstens continued as follows:
My Brethren:
We are proud today and grateful. A new Lodge has been instituted and Free Masonry has taken another pace forward. The spirit of fraternal feeling and fellowship which cements this great fraternity has once more found outward expression as from near and far our brethren have come to be with us on this memorable and historic occasion and to wish us God-speed in our venture.
A new Lodge has been instituted and a new name has been entered in the annals of Free Masonry in British Columbia. It was chosen among several others, and duly noted in our Minutes that Wor. Bro Einar Andersen and Bro J.R. Caldwell were its sponsors. We like it very much and we hope you like it too.
Few Lodges have embarked upon their Masonic career under a more cheerful, and, we hope, more significantly prophetic name.
Historically, Geographically, Spiritually and Masonically, the name, Discovery, is rich in meaning and offers glittering promise for the day and the years ahead.
Historically and Geographically it reminds us of the discovery of our rich and beautiful Island and of the proud ship which, in the year 1792, first sailed the channel and left its name to this Passage of heaving and rushing tides surging by our Village. It records the deeds of courage and resourcefulness of the brave and intrepid men who dared an immense expense of ocean, and here ventured into the unknown, into the treacherous currents and lurking reefs firmly convince that “he who seeks shall find”, and, that inside storm-tossed shoals and pounding surf would be found gentle shores, peaceful harbours and sun-drenched valleys. But perhaps little realizing how soon a civilization would be built here by those who came to this, as to a promised land.
Spiritually it shall remind us to assist in the building of that Temple which we hope will be erected in the breast of every new-born Mason obligated at our altar and to guide him on the path to spiritual light and to a fuller richer life by the practical application to his everyday existence of the beautiful tenets of our ancient, symbolic craft.
Masonically the name “Discovery” embraces the promise of a wonderful future. Such a future as each of us here today trust will be in store for this fledgling Lodge. Masoncially, my Brethren, we have today been entrusted with a great and solemn task. The world at large has ever looked up to the Masonic fraternity with the utmost confidence and highest esteem. It is our duty to continue to warrant such confidence and deserve such reverence and trust. As Free Masons we have a glorious heritage to preserve, a time-honoured name to uphold, a proud tradition to maintain, a busy present to attend and a future to plan and to build. We fervently pray that we may be found equal to the task.
Yet, we feel today, with your many good wishes and your promises of moral support, that we together have laid a foundation for a structure of cultural achievement which shall endure. And, though humble before the Grand Architect whom we serve, we welcome the opportunity to prove ourselves, to live the dream that inspires us, to materialize the vision which leads us on. To find expression for the urge which compels us. We of Discovery Lodge are eager to make each fleeting moment an opportunity and shall count each concrete, worthwhile deed a monument to something accomplished.
And so today we raise the banner of Masonry from our Temple and we dedicate ourselves to the service of The Most High and to Freemasonry in His Name. And, we embark upon our course, with our Masonic Compasses pointing to the Rising Sun of The Grand East, we trust that our journey maybe happy and fruitful and that the distant shore beyond the far horizon shall hold, for each of us,
a Discovery
John E. Carstens